Branchburg, NJ - Flemington, NJ

Am I Properly Feeding my Pet?

Q: Am I properly feeding my pet? Can I afford to feed my pet better?

A: Plump whole chickens, choice cuts of beef, fresh grains, and all the wholesome nutrition your dog or cat will ever need. These are the images pet food manufacturers promulgate through the media and advertising. This is what the $5 billion per year U.S. pet food industry wants consumers to believe they are buying when they purchase their products.

But there are very large differences between what consumers think they are buying for their pets and what they are actually getting. Some of the most visible name brands — the pet food labels that are mass-distributed to supermarkets and discount stores — many highly respected brands may be guilty of the same offenses. What most consumers do not know is that the pet food industry is an extension of the human food and agriculture industries. Pet food provides a convenient way for slaughterhouse offal, grains considered “unfit for human consumption,” and similar waste products to be turned into profit. This waste includes intestines, udders, heads, hooves, and possibly diseased and cancerous animal parts.

At Barkley’s Marketplace, you’ll find a broad assortment of food, sourced from quality-minded providers who share our concern about the quality of the food we feed our pets.

Gluten Free Food?

Q: Is Any of Your Food Gluten Free?

A: All of the food we carry is gluten-free. Because of the exacting standards we set for a product to be stocked, we look for protein -rich products that do not contain fillers and non-essential ingredients.

Food Not a Good Choice?

Q: How Can I tell if the Food We Use is Not a Good Choice?

A: If you bring a bag of your current pet food choice into our store it would be our pleasure to provide you wish an assessment, good or bad. Many people find their current selection is fine, but for others it is an “aha” moment when they see how their product compares to a product that is protein and nutrient rich.

Quality Treats?

Q: Do You Also Carry Better Quality Treats?

A: The same standards that go into our food also are applied to our selection of pet treats. Look over our selection and you’ll discover an unusual assortment of healthy treats, some even made locally, that you pet will love.

Raw Diet?

Q: Should my Dog Eat Raw Diet?

A: There are many Veterinarians who emphasize raw meat, bones, fruits, and vegetables as a diet for dogs. The theory is that adult dogs might thrive on an evolutionary diet based on what canines ate before they became domesticated, items such as raw, meaty bones and vegetable scraps. Grain-based commercial pet foods are shunned, because many are harmful to a dog’s health.

There are several potential benefits of a raw dog food diet, including:

  • Shinier coats
  • Healthier skin
  • Cleaner teeth
  • Higher energy levels
  • Smaller stools

But there are also potential risks, which include:

  • We are all aware of the threat to human and dog health from bacteria in handling any raw meat
  • An unbalanced diet may negatively affect the health of the dog over an extended period of time
  • There is also a potential for whole bones to choke an animal, break teeth or cause internal damage

Food Dangers?

Q: Are There Food Items Dangerous to My Pet?

A: A little reward from the table can really hurt your dog! A chip with guacamole can cause your dog some real problems. In fact, there’s a lot of people food your dog should never eat. Some foods are downright dangerous for dogs — and some of these common foods may surprise you.

Avocados contain a substance called persin. It’s harmless for humans who aren’t allergic. But large amounts might be toxic to dogs. If you happen to be growing avocados at home, keep your dog away from the plants. Persin is in the leaves, seed, and bark, as well as in the fruit.

Alcohol has the same effect on a dog’s liver and brain that it has on humans. But it takes far less to do its damage. And the smaller the dog, the greater the risk.

Onions and garlic in all forms — powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated — can destroy a dog’s red blood cells, leading to anemia.

Caffeine in large enough quantities can be fatal for a dog. And, there is no antidote.

Grapes or raisins, ice cream or dairy, most citrus fruit, macadamia nuts, candy, chocolate and especially gum should all be avoided. It’s also a good idea not to share salty treats like potato chips or nuts with your pet.

Table scraps often contain meat fat that a human didn’t eat and bones, which are dangerous for dogs. Fat trimmed from meat, both cooked and uncooked, can cause pancreatitis in dogs. And, although it seems natural to give a dog a bone, a dog can choke on it, because they also splinter leading to an obstruction or lacerations of your dog’s digestive system. It’s best to just forget about the doggie bag.

Pouched Food?

Q: How Do You Feel About Semi-Moist Pouched Food?

A: Not very good, for a simple reason - in order for the food to remain “semi-moist,” an ingredient called propylene glycol is added. This is a really scary chemical that is a second cousin to ethylene glycol, which is the antifreeze your car uses. And while propylene glycol is approved for use in pet foods, we believe that it is unhealthy for dogs and cats.

Treats Out of the U.S?

Q: Which of Your Food or Treats Come From China?

A: None of our food or treats are from China. Some are locally prepared, others from around the USA.